5 Klan di naruto yang hampir punah

01:31:00 0
5 Klan Yang Hampir Punah di Anime Naruto

1. Shimura Clan

 Klan Shimura klan (志 村 一族, Shimura Ichizoku) adalah klan shinobi dari Konohagakure. Sejarah klan ini adalah setelah pembentukan desa Konohagakure setelah periode negara-negara berperang, klan Shimura merupakan klam pertama yang bersekutu dengan klan Senju dan klan Uchiha untuk mendirikan desa bersama dengan klan Sarutobi. Tidak banyak lagi yang diketahui tentang klan ini kecuali bahwa Danzō Shimura menceritakan bahwa ayah dan kakeknya meninggal di medan perang. Klan ini juga begitu terkenal, terbukti Madara Uchiha terkejut setelah mendengar bahwa klan ini akan bergabung dengan desa Konoha yang baru terbentuk. 

2.Clan Uchiha
    Klan uchiha merupakan salah satu klan hebat yang juga merupakan klan keturunan langsung Rikudou. Klan ini sekarang hanya menyisakan 2 Orang anggotanya Saja yaitu Uchiha Sasuke dan Uchiha Obito. Seluruh anggota Klan telah di bantai oleh Salah satu anggota klannya sendiri yaitu Uchiha Itachi dengan Bantuan Uchiha Obito. Itachi melakukan ini demi melindungi desa dari ancaman perang yang akan terjadi jika klan uchiha melakukan kudeta ...

3. Clan Senju
Senju Symbol.svg 
 Sama Seperti klan uchiha, klan senju merupakan salah satu klan terkuat serta klan yang memiliki garis keturunan Rikudou Sennin. Di ketahui anggota klan Senju yang tersisa hanya Tsunade saja. Tidak di ketahui kemana saja semua anggota klan senju. Yang pasti di konoha tidak ada anggota klan senju lainnya selain Tsunade ..

4.Clan Uzumaki
Uzushiogakure Symbol.svg 
   Klan Uzumaki adalah klan hebat yang memiliki hubungan kekerabatan dengan klan senju yang bermukim di desa uzushiogakure. Klan ini memiliki kemampuan khusus di bidang Fuinjutsu (penyegelan) yang sangat hebat dan terkenal di seluruh dunia. Karna kemampuan mengerikan inilah, klan uzumaki mendapat serang secara terus menerus dari desa lain yang takut akan kemampuan klan mereka, hingga menyebabkan hampir seluruh anggota klan tewas dan anggota yang selamat menyebar di seluruh dunia. Sampai saat ini anggota klan uzumaki yang di ketahui masih hidup hanya 

5.Clan Kaguya


Klan Kaguya (かぐ や 一族, Kaguya Ichizoku) adalah klan yang sekarang sudah punah, yang dikenal sangat biadab. Diantara anggota yang diketahui, hanya Kimimaro dia memiliki kekkei genkai Shikotsumyaku yaiitu kemampuan yang begitu kuat sehingga bahkan perang mencintai klan Kaguya yang ditakuti itu. Dengan pengecualian Kimimaro, klan itu membunuh penduduk ketika menyerang Kirigakure untuk memamerkan kegarangan mereka, tapi usaha mereka gagal.
Klan ini sangat biadab dan tidak memiliki taktik ketika akan berperang, dan menolak untuk mundur bahkan ketika dikelilingi dan benar-benar terkepung, lebih memilih bertarung sampai mati untuk bersenang-senang.
Kimimaro selama bertahun-tahun hidup sebagai anggota terakhir dari klan Kaguya, tapi akhirnya meninggal karena penyakit beratnya.
Rupanya, para anggota yang memiliki kemampuan Shikotsumyaku memiliki struktur tubuh yang berbeda dari yang lain, seperti ketika Kimimaro sakit berat, Kabuto Yakushi mengklaim terlalu sedikit informasi dari tubuhnya untuk bisa memberikan perawatan medis kepada Kimimaro.Tetapi kimimaro satu satunya anggota klan yang tersisa akhirnyapun meninggal ketika melawan gaara akibat penyakit yang di deritanya ..
Legenda Gunung bromo dalam bahasa inggris

Legenda Gunung bromo dalam bahasa inggris

18:15:00 0

Legenda bahasa inggris Gunung Bromo

 legenda gunung bromo dalam bahasa inggris


 ternyata gunung bromo mempunyai asal usul dalam bentuk Legenda Gunung Bromo dalam bahasa inggris ini. Bagaimana asal usul sejarah gunung bromo? Gunung bromo merupakan salah satu gunung berapi yang masih aktif dengan ketinggian 2.392 meter diatas permukaan laut, berada dalam empat wilayah yakni Kabupaten Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang dan Kabupaten Malang. Dengan statusnya sebagai gunung berapi yang masih aktif, gunung bromo menjadi salah satu obyek wisata yang paling terkenal di daerah jawa timur. Selama abad XX, gunung bromo meletus sebanyak 3 kali, dengan interval waktu yang teratur, yaitu 30 tahun. Letusan terbesar gunung bromo terjadi pada tahun 1974, menyusul tahun 2010 gunung bromo kembali meletus. Bagi suku Tengger (penduduk bromo) dipercaya sebagai gunung suci. Setahun sekali masyarakat Tengger mengadakan upacara Yadnya Kasada atau Kasodo. Upacara ini bertempat di sebuah pura yang berada di bawah kaki Gunung Bromo utara dan dilanjutkan ke puncak gunung Bromo. Upacara diadakan pada tengah malam hingga dini hari setiap bulan purnama sekitar tanggal 14 atau 15 di bulan Kasodo (kesepuluh) menurut penanggalan Jawa.

Teks Legenda Gunung Bromo dalam bahasa inggris – The Legend of Gunung Bromo
Hundreds of years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, one of the King’s wives gave birth to a girl, who was named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from a Brahman caste. Because of an unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area and named it “Tengger”, which was derived from the couples’ names: Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.
After several years the region flourished in prosperity, but Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were unhappy because they did not have a child. Frustrated, they climbed the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the gods would listen. The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice their youngest child in return.
Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, then another, and another. In the end Roro Anteng and Joko Seger got 25 children. Soon it was time for them to sacrifice the youngest child, Kesuma, but the parents just could not do it. They tried to hide the child, but an eruption happened and Kesuma fell into the crater. There was silence before they heard a voice: “I have to be sacrificed so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.”It was Kesuma’s voice. Kesuma’s brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year. Instead of a human being, these people collected fruit, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered to the gods. And this has been done generation after generation until today.

Hikmah legenda gunung Bromo dalam bahasa inggris

Gunung Bromo sebagai gunung berapi yang masih aktif tentunya menjadi kekhawatiran bagi masyarakat sekitar sehingga sesajen atau persembahan-persembahan masih dilakukan. Mungkin hikmah yang bisa diambil dari legenda gunung Bromo dalam bahasa inggris ialah bahwa demi kepentingan bersama, terkadang pengorbanan diperlukan. Entah itu waktu, materi, pikiran, bahkan sampai nyawa. Harap pengorbanan tersebut tidak disia-siakan karena bukan lah sesuatu yang kecil.
Cerita Rakyat Lutung Kasarung dalam bahasa inggris

Cerita Rakyat Lutung Kasarung dalam bahasa inggris

06:49:00 0

Cerita Rakyat Lutung Kasarung dalam Bahasa Inggris

 Cerita Rakyat Lutung Kasarung dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita rakyat atau legenda adalah cerita pada masa lampau yang menjadi ciri khas setiap bangsa dengan kultur budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki masing-masing bangsa contoh cerita lutung kasarung dalam bahasa inggris ini. Cerita rakyat pada umumnya diwariskan secara turun-menurun dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya dalam masyarakat tertentu. Ada dua bentuk cerita rakyat yaitu puisi dan prosa. Cerita rakyat dalam puisi diantaranya adalah pantun, peribahasa, khiasan, pepatah dan perumpamaan. Sedangkan cerita rakyat dalam bentuk prosa diantaranya dongeng, legenda, dan mite. Cerita rakyat adalah suatu genre sastra yang dimiliki oleh semua bangsa di dunia, cerita rakyat baik yang bernilai sastra atau bukan adalah bagian dari apa yang disebut folklore lisan. Berikut adalah cerita rakyat lutung kasarung dalam bahasa inggris yang terkenal dari Indonesia dan sangat banyak mengandung pesan moral.

Teks Cerita Rakyat Lutung Kasarung Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Lutung Kasarung Story in English
A long time ago in west Java there was a kingdom.  The king was Prabu Tapak Agung.  He had two beautiful daughters and no son.  Purba Rarang was his first daughter, and Purba Sari was his second daughter.  When the king was about to pass away he gave the throne to his second daughter, Purba Sari. Purba Rarang was very disappointed.  She thought that she deserve to replace her father as the ruler.  She discussed the situation with her fiancé, Indrajaya.
Then she got an evil idea.  She asked a witch to cast a spell to Purba Sari.  Soon after that Purba Sari had a strange skin disease.  There were black dots on her skin.  She also had skin rash.  Consequently Purba Rarang had a reason to tell people that her sister had a great sin and she was cursed by god.  She told her people that such a person did not qualify to be a leader.
After that she ordered the army to send Purba Sari to a wood and had her exiled there.  The army then built a wooden house for Purba Sari in a wood.  So Purba Sari lived in the wood.  As there were many animals in the wood she got along with them well.
Her best friend was a black monkey.  She called the monkey Lutung Kasarung.  Lutung was very attentive and very kind to her.  He gave fruits and vegetables to Purba Sari.
Lutung Kasarung was not an ordinary monkey.  He often meditates like human being.  One night when there was a full moon he sat meditating.  He was praying to God. Suddenly a spring emerged beside Lutung. It became bigger and bigger and finally it became a lake.  The water was very clear and aromatic.
The next day Lutung came to see Purba Sari.  He asked her to follow him.  Lutung took her to the lake and asked her to take a bath.  When Purba Sari took bath in the lake something strange happened.  Her skin disease was gone and her smooth fair skin was back.  Purba Sari was very happy and thankful to God.
Meanwhile Purba Rarang who lived in the palace wanted to see her sister.  So she went to the wood with her soldiers.  She was very surprised when she saw Purba Sari was in good condition and looked beautiful.  Her evil heart led her to find a way to beat her sister. Then she asked her sister to measure the length of their hair.  The one who had the longest hair would win.  Purba Sari’s hair proved to be longer than Purba Rarang’s.
Purba Rarang was very jealous to her sister.  She thought hard to find a way to beat Purba Sari.  Then she got another idea.  She asked her sister to compare their fiancé.  Purba Rarang was sure that she would win because Indra Jaya was very handsome.  She was sure that Purba Sari did not have any fiancé.  When Purba Rarang showed Indra Jaya, Purba Sari was confused.  So she just appointed Lutung Kasarung as her fiancé.
Purba Rarang laughed out loud.
‘So your fiancé is a monkey?’
Lutung Kasarung then sat on the ground.  He was meditating and praying to God. Then amazingly he changed into a very handsome man.  Initially Lutung Kasarung was a handsome man who was punished by God and became a monkey.  After some years that day he got clemency from God and he became human being again.
Purba Rarang was very surprised.  He had no choice but to accept that her sister was better than her.  She asked for apology.  Purba Sari gave her apology.  After that they went back to palace.  Purba Sari became the queen and married to Lutung Kasarung.

Hikmah Cerita Rakyat Lutung Kasarung dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pesan moral dalam cerita rakyat Lutung Kasarung dalam bahasa inggris antara lain pesan untuk menghormati orang yang lebih tua dimana Purba Sari selalu patuh dan hormat pada kakaknya yang lebih tua walaupun kakaknya Purba Rarang selalu menindasnya. Purba Sari juga mengajarkan tentang berserah diri pada Tuhan, ia selalu berdoa, berserah diri, dan selalu bersyukur kepada Yang Maha Esa dalam menjalani kehidupannya. Sifatnya yang sabar dan pasrah pada Tuhan membuat Purba Sari selalu dilindungi oleh Tuhan karena itu ia selalu dapat menghadapi bermacam kesulitan. Purba Sari juga memiliki sifat pemaaf dimana dengan ikhlas memaafkan Purba Rarang yang telah membuatnya menderita bahkan berusaha membunuhnya. Lutung Kasarung atau Guru Minda Kahiangan mengajarkan tentang rasa tanggung jawab sebagaimana diceritakan dalam lutung kasarung in english ini.
Legenda Banyuwangi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Legenda Banyuwangi dalam Bahasa Inggris

06:38:00 0
Legenda Banyuwangi Dalam Bahasa Inggris 
Banyuwangi adalah nama sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia memiliki cerita asal usul dari sebuah Legenda Banyuwangi yang akan diceritakan dalam bahasa inggris ini. Banyuwangi  terletak di bagian timur pulau  Jawa, di samping Bali memiliki. Di antara Banyuwangi dan pulau Bali terdapat Selat Bali yang memisahkan keduanya. Budaya Banyuwangi adalah budaya yang unik karena merupakan perpaduan antara budaya Jawa, Bali dan Madura. Berikut adalah legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris tentang cerita asal mula banyuwangi.

Teks Legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris

Legend of Banyuwangi
Long time ago Banyuwangi was called Blambangan. It was a kingdom under a wise king who had a handsome and smart son. Raden Banterang was his name. He liked hunting very much. He often went to forest around Blambangan to hunt for animals. One day when he was in a forest he saw a deer. He chased it and the deer ran deeper into the forest. His horse was so good and strong that he left his guards behind. Unfortunately he lost the deer. As he took a rest under a big banyan tree suddenly a lovely lady appeared in front of him. Raden Banterang was very surprised to see a beautiful girl alone in the forest. He was suspicious that she was not a human being. So he asked her.
‘Excuse me lovely lady, do you live around here?’
‘No, I don’t. I’m from Klungkung, Bali. My name is Surati. I’m a princess, the daughter of the king of Klungkung. I need your help’
‘I will gladly help you, but please tell me what your problem is’
‘I’m in danger. There was a rebellion in Klungkung. The rebel killed my father but I could escape. My guards took me here but I lose them. Now I’m alone. I don’t know where to go. I have no relative here. Please help me’
‘You are coming to the right person. I’m prince Banterang from the kingdom of Blambangan. I will protect you. Please come with me.’
Then Raden Banterang took Surati home. He fell in love with her and then several months later he married her. One day when Surati was in the street he met a man. The man called him.
‘Surati, Surati’
She was surprised to realize that the man was her brother Rupaksa. Rupaksa told her that it was Raden Banterang who killed their father. He came to Blambangan to take revenge and asked surati to join him. Surati was shocked but she refused to join.
‘I’m really shocked to hear the news. But I’m not sure. Raden Banterang is now my husband. He’s very kind to me. He never hurts me. He’s protecting me. As a good wife I will never betray him. It is my duty to serve him.’
‘But he killed our father’.
‘It is hard for me to believe it. When I met him he was here, not in Klungkung’
Rupaksa was disappointed with her sister. He was also very angry to her.
‘OK then. I have to go now. But please keep my head dress. Put it under your pillow’
Rupaksa gave his head dress to his sister Surati. To respect her older brother Surati put it under her pillow. Several days later Raden Banterang was hunting in a forest when he met a man that looked like a priest. The man greeted him politely. Then he said something.
‘Your life is in danger. Someone has an evil intention to you’
‘Who is he?’
“Your wife Surati’
“Surati? How do you know?’
‘I am a priest. I have clear spiritual vision. I just want to save you. Search her room. If you find a head dress under her pillow then my words are correct. It is from a man who will help her kill you’
‘Thank you your Holiness’
Raden Banterang was shocked. He was very angry to his wife then he immediately went home. When he got to the palace he immediately searched Surati’s bed room. As he found the head dress under her pillow he was sure that the priest was right.
‘You are unfaithful wife. I know that you want me dead. This is the evidence. This is from a man who will help you kill me. Tell me who he is’
Surati was shocked and cried.
‘It is my brother’s head dress. I met him several days ago when you  went hunting. He gave me his head dress and told me to put it under my pillow. So I put it there to respect him. It is him who want to kill you, not me’
But Raden Banterang did not trust her. He gave her a death sentence. He took his wife to a river bank as he would stab his wife and throw her body into the river.
‘Before I die, let me say a few words’
‘Please do’
‘After I die, just throw my body into the river. If the water become dirty and smelly, it means that I am guilty. But if the water become clear and fragrance come out of it, it means that I am innocence’.
Then as Raden Banterang would stab her wife with a kris Surati threw herself into the river. Amazingly the water became clear and fragrance came out of it. Surati was innocent! Raden Banterang regretted his emotional behavior. Since then on he changed the name of his kingdom into Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and Wangi means fragrance.
Hikmah yang dapat dipetik dari Legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris diatas ialah janganlah mudah percaya pada seseorang. Emosi sesaat bisa membutakan pikiran kita, bahkan sampai menimbulkan tindak yang dapat membahayakan diri sendiri dan orang lain di sekitar. Kajilah terlebih dahulu apa yang kita dapat, lalu bertindak secara rasional merupakan jalan keluar terbaik dari masalah yang kita hadapi. Legenda banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris ini meski singkat tapi penuh makna
Latar Belakang Kisah 7 Manusia Harimau Di RCTI

Latar Belakang Kisah 7 Manusia Harimau Di RCTI

01:37:00 0
Latar Belakang Kisah 7 Manusia Harimau
Kisah 7 manusia harimau diambil dari sebuah novel Karya Motinggo Boesje, Lahir di Kupang Kota, Lampung 21 November 1937. Novel karangan Motinggo  Boesje berlatar belakang sebuah budaya yang ada di sebuah Desa bernama Desa Kumayan Jati di wilayah pedalaman Sumatera Selatan.
Kisah itu menceritakan tentang 7 manusia harimau yang ada di Desa Kumayan. Sepak terjang mereka membuat desa tersebut sebagai desa yang paling di segani dan ditakuti semua orang terutama orang-orang orang baru yang hendak menetap didesa tersebut.
Karena bagi mereka yang hendak tinggal di Desa tersebut harus tunduk dengan segala aturan yang berlaku sesuai kehendak penguasa yang ada di sana yang tak lain adalah orang-orang pintar yang bisa menjelma menjadi manusia harimau. Kisah itu bermula sejak kedatangan seorang pemuda bernama ‘Gumara’ seorang pemuda berprofesi sebagai guru SMA yang di tugaskan di Desa tersebut.
Gumara sendiri tak lain adalah salah satu dari 7 manusia harimau atau cikal bakal Manusia harimau Desa Kumayan. Hanya saja Gumara yang sejak kecil tinggal di Jakarta bersama ibunya tidak menyadari kalau dirinya adalah bagian dari harimau yang ada di Desa tersebut.
Sosok pemuda ganteng dan rendah hati itu tak pernah menampakkan bahwa dirinya memiliki kelebihan dan bisa menjelma menjadi harimau, sehingga ia selalu bersikap rendah hati dan ramh pada siapapun. Ia juga selalu berusaha untuk menahan diri agar tidak marah yang dapat memicu dirinya berubah wujud menjadi manusia harimau.
Namun sejak Gumara tinggal di Desa Kumayan dan menjadi guru di salah satu sekolah menengah atas, ada banyak hal yang menimpa dirinya dan termasuk harus menghadapi orang-orang yang tidak menginginkan kehadirannya di Desa tersebut seperti di teluh oleh istri mantan guru tempat ia mengajar dan dimusuhi pemuda yang menaruh hati pada anak Lebai Karat karena cemburu.
Untuk mengetahui kisah legenda 7 manusia harimau bisa anda melihatnya langsung di salah satu tv swasta dan tayang setiap hari. Cerita legenda 7 manusia harimau merupakan sebuah kisah fantasi berlatar belakang budaya Indonesia dengan tema hal-hal ghaib yang dipercaya hampir sebagian besar masyarakat di Indonesia.
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Cerita RORO JONGGRANG dalam Bhs.Inggris

07:07:00 0
                                                           RORO JONGGRANG 
        Kali ini saya akan berbagi cerita rakyat bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya untuk kamu. Cerita rakyat adalah salah satu media yang dibutuhkan untuk belajar. Banyak guru yang memberikan contoh cerita rakyat Indonesia untuk dipelajari oleh siswanya. Mereka biasanya memberi tugas untuk menulis artinya dan memahami apa saja makna yang ada didalam cerita rakyat. Oleh karena itu, tidak jarang para guru dan murid yang sangat membutuhkan contoh kumpulan cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris. 
Sebelum kamu membaca cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris. Ada baiknya jika kamu mengetahui fungsi dan keuntungan membacanya. Didalam cerita jenis ini biasanya menceritakan tentang legenda Indonesia. Tentunya ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada siswa tentang legenda di suatu daerah. Walaupun cerita ini sifatnya hanya mitos atau dongeng rakyat saja. Namun, sangatlah penting bagi siswa untuk mempelajarinya. Siswa agar dapat meneruskan budaya bangsa kita. Didalam cerita rakyat juga terkandung makna-makna penting bagi siswa. Mereka akan mempelajari nilai dan pesan moral dalam cerita tersebut.
Cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa. Ketika membaca cerita siswa akan menemukan vocabulary baru yang belum pernah mereka temui. Dengan mebaca vocabulary baru, siswa akan mencari tahu apa arti dari kata tersebut. Dengan demikian kosa kata bahasa inggris mereka akan bertambah. Dengan membaca cerita bahasa inggris siswa juga dapat mempelajari tata bahasa yang baik. Karena mereka akan melihat contoh pola kalimat yang benar. Berikut ini cerita rakyat indonesia dalam bahasa inggris.

Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dongeng
Source : Google Images

Roro Jonggrang

In ancients times, there was an empire named Prambanan. Every people in Prambanan lived calmly and peacefully. Until, the Pengging kingdom attacked this empire. Then, the king of Pengging kingdom ruled Prambanan.. His name was Bandung Bondowoso. He was a greedy and mean king. He also had miraculous power. He had humans and genies soldier.
The king of Prambanan had a daughter named Roro Jonggarang. She was very beautiful. Unfortunely, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her beauty. He really wanted to marry Jonggrang.
"You are very attractive, do you want to be my lady?" asked Bandung Bondowoso.
Jonggarang was surprised and shocked with his request. She didn't want to marry a man like Bondowoso. She wanted to say no, but she was afraid that Bondowoso would be mad and angry. She was also afraid that he would endangered her people of Prambanan. Then, she had a plan. 
"If you really want to marry me, I give you one night to construct a thousand temples." Said Jonggrang.

Iklan oleh Google

"That is useless! I can't build it in one night!" said Bondowoso. But, Bondowoso did not give up. He came to his adviser. 
"Oh my king, you can asked your genies to help you with her request." Said his adviser.
So, Bondowoso called all of his genies. He gave them instruction to build a thousand temples. The speed of temple construction was so quickly. At the same time, Jonggrang heard from her assistant that the temple construction was almost finished. She was so anxious. The, she had another great idea. She called every servant to help her. 
"Please help me to prepare a lot of straws and mortars." Asked Jonggrang. "Burn the straws and make some noise from the mortars."
All of her servants did what she asked. The sound of mortars and the burning straw fooled the genies. They thought the sun was going to rise.
"It's dawn, we have to go." said one of the genies to Bondowoso. They was afraid os the sun. So, they stopped their work and left Bondowoso. They didn't know that Joggrang tricked them with the burning straws and pounding mortars.
Bondowoso could not stop the genies from leaving him. He was mad. He knew that Jonggrang had tricked him. 
"You can't trick me, Jonggrang. I have already made 999 temples. I just need to construct one more temple!" 
He pointed his finger to her and said some chant. Then, Jonggrang's body turned into temple. Until now the temples are still standing in Prambanan, Central Java. One of the temples is called Roro Jonggrang temple.
Terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia

Roro Jonggrang

Pada zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Prambanan. Semua orang di Prambanan hidup dengan tenag dan damai. Sampai kerajaan Pengging menyerang kerajaan ini. Kemudian, raja pengging menguasai prambanan. Namanya adalah Bandung Bondowoso. Dia adalah raya yang tamak dan jahat. Dia juga memiliki kekuatan ajaib. Dia memiliki tentara manusia dan jin.
Raja dari Prambanana memiliki seorang anak perempuan bernama Roro Jonggrang. Dia sangat cantik. Sayangnya, Bandung Bondowoso jatuh cinta dengan kecantikannya. Dia sangat ingin menikahi Jonggrang.
"Kamu sangat menarik, apakah kamu ingin menikah dengan saya?" Tanya Bandung Bondowoso.
Jonggrang kaget dan terkejut dengan permintaan dia. Dia tidak ingin menikahi seorang pria seperti Bondowoso. Dia ingin berkata tidak, tapi dia takut Bondowoso akan marah. Dia juga takut Bondowoso akan membahayakan orang di Prambanan. Lalu dia punya sebuah rencana.
"Jika kamu beanr-benar ingin menikahi saya, Saya beri kamu satumalam untuk membangun 1000 candi." Kata Jonggrang.
"Ini percuma! Saya tidak dapat membangun itu dalam satu malam!" kata Bondowoso. Tapi, dia tidak menyerah. Dia datang ke penasehatnya.
"Oh, rajaku, kamu dapat meminta jin kamu to membantu kamu untuk permintaannya" Kata penasehatnya.
Lalu, Bondowoso memanggil semua jinnya. Dia memberikan instruksi untuk membangun seribu candi. Proses pembangunan candi sangat cepat. Di waktu yang sama, Jonggrang meengetahui dari pelayannya kalau pembagunan cand hampir selesai. Dia angat cemas. Lalu, dia punya ide bagus lain. Dia memanggil semua pelayannya untuk mebantu dia.
"Tolong bantu saya untuk menyiapkan banyak jerami dan tumbukan." pinta Jonggrang. "Bakar jeraminya dan buat suara dari tumbukan."
Semua pelayan melakukan seperti yang dia minta. Suara tumbukan dan bakaran jerami menipu para jin. Mereka mengira matahari akan terbit.
Ini subuh, kami harus pergi." kata salah satu jin ke Bondowoso. Mereka takut dengan matahari. Jadi, mereka berhenti berkerja dan meninggalkan Bondowoso. Mereka tidak tahu kalau Jonggrang menipu mereka dengan bakaran jerami dan ketokan tumbukan.
Bondowoso tidak dapat menghentikan jin untuk meninggalkannya. Dia marah. Dia tahu kalau Jonggrang menipu dia. 
"Kamu tidak dapat menipu saya. Saya sudah membuat 999 candi. Saya hanya perlu membangun satu candi lagi!"
Dia menunjuk jarinya ke arah Jinggrang dan mengatakan mantra. Kemudian tubuh Jonggrang berubah menjadi Candi. Sampai sekarang, candi-candi ini masih berdidri di Prambanan, Jawa Tengah. Salah satu candinya disebut candi Roro Jonggrang
Demikian contoh cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya atau artinya. Ingatlah betapa pentingnya untuk mengetahui cerita rakyat indonesia. Tidak hanya untuk melestarikan budaya kita. Tapi juga untuk menambah kemampuan bahasa inggris kita
07:00:00 0
Cerita rakyat Indonesia timun mas merupakan dongeng yang sudah populer. Selama ini kita mendengarkan cerita timun mas bahasa indonesia. Kebanyakan dari kita tidak pernah membaca dalam bahasa inggris. Padahal dongeng timun mas dalam bahasa inggris dapat membantu kalian. Dengan membaca cerita dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan skill. Terlebih lagi dongeng atau cerita rakyat adalah media pembelajaran yang menarik.
Dongeng rakyat atau cerita timun mas dalam bahasa inggris berasal dari daerah jawa tengah. Dengan membaca cerita timun mas kita juga dapat melestarikan budaya indonesia. Banyak anak negeri yang sudah mulai melupakan tentang sejarah. Meskipun cerita ini hanyalah mitos atau legenda saja. Namun, dongeng ini tetap salah satu budaya kita. Oleh karena itu, para guru penting rasanya untuk memberikan contoh cerita rakyat ini pada siswa. Bagi kamu yang sedang membutuhkan cerita bahasa inggris. Berikut ini cerita timun mas dalam bahasa inggris.
Timun Emas
In ancient times somewhere in the island of Java, Indonesia. There was a couple of farmer lived in the village. They had married for many years. Unfortunately, they had no children. So, they asked a monster called Buto Ijo to help them. They asked Ijo to give them a child. Buto Ijo was a powerful and bad monster. He liked eating human meat. He accepted their wish but in one condition. When their child gad grown up, they had to sacrifice him or her to Ijo. The farmers agreed to Ijo's condition.
Several years later, The wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Mas. Timun Mas had grown to be very smart and diligent girl. Someday, she met Buto Ijo in her house. She was so afraid and frightened. Luckily, the farmers told Ijo to be patient because she was still a child. They begged Ijo to hold his hunger. Ijo agreed with them. After some years, Ijo came again to their house. But the farmers said that Timun was still a child as an excuse. Buto ijo was still patient.
The third time Buto came, The farmers had prepared somethings to help Timun. They gave her several bamboo needles, cucumber seeds, dressing, and salt.

Cerita Timun Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Timun was so scared with Ijo. She tried to run away as quick as she could. Then Ijo came to their house. He was angry when he found Timun was not there. So he ran and tried to find her. He had a sharp nose so he knew the direction where Timun had gone.
Ijo could easily catch Timun. When Timun knew Ijo was just several steps behind her. She spread the cucumber seeds. Magically, it turned into many vines of cucumber. Ijo was so thirsty and exhausted. So, he ate many cucumbers. He forgot to catch Timun.
Soon, he realized that Timun had run away. So he started running again. When he just several steps behind. Timun threw bamboo needles. Immediately, it turned into bamboo forest. It made Buto Ijo slow. Ijo couldn't pass bamboo tree easily. It took some times to pass it. So, Timun could run farther.
Buto was success to pass the bamboo forest. So, he chased Timun again. He could almost catch Timun. But, Timun took one of her weapons. This time, she threw the dressing. It changed into a lake. Buto was struggles when he walked through the lake. So, Timun could run away. Unfortunately, Buto could escaped. He found himself hard to chase Timun. But, he could almost catch her.
When Buto wanted to grab her. Timun threw salt into him. Soon, the salt changed into ocean. Buto was drowned and died in the ocean.
Timun Mas came back to her house. She and her parents lived happily ever after.

Cerita legenda batu  menangis

Cerita legenda batu menangis

06:57:00 0

Cerita legenda batu  menangis

Once upon a time, there lived a mother and her daughter in a small village, in Borneo island. The daughter was so beautiful, but she had a very bad behavior. She never helped her mother to work. She just spent her time in front of the mirror to beautify herself and to admire her beauty. While her mother had to work to fulfill their daily needs. She was also a spoiled girl. She always asked everything to her mother. if her mother didn't fulfill her want, she would cry. This made her mother so sad, but somehow she still loved her daughter. So she always tried to fulfill what her daughter wanted.
One day, the girl forced her mother to buy a new gown for her. At first, her mother refused her request. She told her daughter that she didn't have enough money. But her daughter threatened her mother, then she fulfilled to but a new gown. Before going to the market together, her daughter reminded her mom,"Let's go shopping, but I don't want to walk beside you. You had to walk behind me, I felt embarrassed if people see me". Even though her mother felt really sad, she obeyed her daughter request, she did not want her daughter feel embarrassed.

The daughter dressed beautifully while her mother wore very simple dress. Even though they were a mother and a daughter, they looked so different. Her mother looked like her servant. In the middle of their way to market, a man greeted them,"Hi cute girl, is she your mother?". he asked. "How could you think that? Of course she is not my mother, she is my servant", the daughter replied. Her mother was so sad to hear that. She kept silent though her heart was crying aloud. Along the street everyone passing kept asking the girl about her mother. And the girl always told them that the old woman behind her was her servant.
The mother had stayed patiently along the street. And finally  she could not bear it to hear her daughter's answer. she prayed to the God,"O Lord, punish my ungrateful daughter, please!", she prayed. Suddenly the girl's legs turned to be a stone immediately after the mother stopped praying. The change came slowly. Knowing her legs turned to be a stone, the daughter screamed."What's happen to my legs?". Then she realized that she had hurt her mother's feeling. She cried and begged for absolution to her mother."Mommy, Forgive me please, mom". She begged. The daughter kept crying. But it was too late. The whole body eventually became a stone. The mother actually felt so sad to see her daughter. But she could not do anything to the God's destiny. Even though she had become a stone completely, people can still see her tears. That is the reason why it was called Batu Menangis.

Cerita rakyat batu menangis

Pada zaman dahulu, hiduplah seorang ibu dan putrinya di sebuah desa kecil, di pulau Kalimantan. Putrinya sangat cantik, namun ia memiliki sifat yang sangat buruk. Dia tidak pernah membantu ibunya bekerja. Dia hanya menghabiskan waktunya di depan cermin untuk mempercantik dirinya dan mengagumi kecantikannya. Sementara ibunya harus bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dia juga seorang gadis yang manja. Dia selalu meminta segala sesuatu kepada ibunya. Jika ibunya tidak memenuhi keinginannya, dia akan menangis. Tentu ini membuat sang ibu sangat sedih, tapi biar bagaimana ibunya masih mencintai putrinya. Jadi sang ibu selalu mencoba untuk memenuhi apa yang inginkan putrinya.
Suatu hari, gadis memaksa ibunya untuk membelikan gaun baru untuknya. Pada awalnya, sang ibu menolak permintaannya. sang ibu mengatakan kepada anaknya bahwa ia tidak mempunyai cukup uang. Tapi putrinya mengancam, maka Ibunya memenuhi untuk membeli gaun baru. Sebelum pergi ke pasar bersama-sama, putrinya mengingatkan pada ibunya, "Ayo kita pergi berbelanja bersama. Tetapi aku tidak ingin berjalan di sampingmu. Ibu harus berjalan di belakangku, aku merasa malu jika orang melihatku". Meskipun ibunya merasa benar-benar sedih, sang ibu tetap memenuhi permintaannya putri, ia tidak menginginkan putri merasa malu.

Putrinya berpakaian sangat cantik sementara ibunya mengenakan gaun yang sangat sederhana. Meskipun mereka adalah ibu dan anak, mereka tampak begitu berbeda. Ibunya lebih tampak seperti pembantunya. Di tengah jalan ke pasar, seorang pria menyapamereka, "gadis cantik, apakah dia ibumu?". ia bertanya. "Bagaimana bisa Anda berpikir seperti itu? Tentu saja dia bukanlah ibuku, dia adalah pembantuku", putri itu menjawab. Ibunya sangat sedih mendengarnya. Dia tetap diam meskipun hatinya menangis sangat keras. Sepanjang jalan, semua orang yang melewati terus bertanya kepada putri tersebut tentang ibunya. Dan putrinya selalu memberitahu mereka bahwa wanita tua di belakangnya adalah pembantunya.

Ibu telah bersabar sepanjang jalan. Dan akhirnya sang ibu tidak tahan lagi mendengar jawaban putrinya. Dia berdoa kepada Tuhan, "Ya Tuhan, hukumlah putri saya tidak tahu berterima kasih ini!", doa sang ibu. Tiba-tiba kaki putrinya itu berubah menjadi batu seketika setelah ibu berhenti berdoa. Perubahan terjadi secara perlahan-lahan. Mengetahui kakinya berubah menjadi batu, putrinya pun berteriak."Apa yang terjadi pada kakiku? ". Kemudian dia menyadari bahwa dia telah menyakiti perasaan ibunya. Dia menangis dan memohon untuk pengampunan kepada ibunya."Ibu, ampuni saya, ibu ". Dia memohon. Putrinya terus menangis. Tapi semua itu sudah terlambat. Seluruh tubuh akhirnya menjadi batu. Ibu benar-benar merasa sangat sedih menyaksikan putrinya berubah menjadi batu. Tapi sang ibu tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa lagi atas kehendak Tuhan. Meskipun sang putri telah menjadi batu, orang masih bisa melihat mata airnya mengalir. Itulah alasan mengapa ia disebut Batu Menangis.
06:49:00 0
Kali ini saya akan berbagi cerita rakyat bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya untuk kamu. Cerita rakyat adalah salah satu media yang dibutuhkan untuk belajar. Banyak guru yang memberikan contoh cerita rakyat Indonesia untuk dipelajari oleh siswanya. Mereka biasanya memberi tugas untuk menulis artinya dan memahami apa saja makna yang ada didalam cerita rakyat. Oleh karena itu, tidak jarang para guru dan murid yang sangat membutuhkan contoh kumpulan cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris. 
Sebelum kamu membaca cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris. Ada baiknya jika kamu mengetahui fungsi dan keuntungan membacanya. Didalam cerita jenis ini biasanya menceritakan tentang legenda Indonesia. Tentunya ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada siswa tentang legenda di suatu daerah. Walaupun cerita ini sifatnya hanya mitos atau dongeng rakyat saja. Namun, sangatlah penting bagi siswa untuk mempelajarinya. Siswa agar dapat meneruskan budaya bangsa kita. Didalam cerita rakyat juga terkandung makna-makna penting bagi siswa. Mereka akan mempelajari nilai dan pesan moral dalam cerita tersebut.
Cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa. Ketika membaca cerita siswa akan menemukan vocabulary baru yang belum pernah mereka temui. Dengan mebaca vocabulary baru, siswa akan mencari tahu apa arti dari kata tersebut. Dengan demikian kosa kata bahasa inggris mereka akan bertambah. Dengan membaca cerita bahasa inggris siswa juga dapat mempelajari tata bahasa yang baik. Karena mereka akan melihat contoh pola kalimat yang benar. Berikut ini cerita rakyat indonesia dalam bahasa inggris.

Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dongeng
Source : Google Images

Roro Jonggrang

In ancients times, there was an empire named Prambanan. Every people in Prambanan lived calmly and peacefully. Until, the Pengging kingdom attacked this empire. Then, the king of Pengging kingdom ruled Prambanan.. His name was Bandung Bondowoso. He was a greedy and mean king. He also had miraculous power. He had humans and genies soldier.
The king of Prambanan had a daughter named Roro Jonggarang. She was very beautiful. Unfortunely, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her beauty. He really wanted to marry Jonggrang.
"You are very attractive, do you want to be my lady?" asked Bandung Bondowoso.
Jonggarang was surprised and shocked with his request. She didn't want to marry a man like Bondowoso. She wanted to say no, but she was afraid that Bondowoso would be mad and angry. She was also afraid that he would endangered her people of Prambanan. Then, she had a plan. 
"If you really want to marry me, I give you one night to construct a thousand temples." Said Jonggrang.
Iklan oleh Google
"That is useless! I can't build it in one night!" said Bondowoso. But, Bondowoso did not give up. He came to his adviser. 
"Oh my king, you can asked your genies to help you with her request." Said his adviser.
So, Bondowoso called all of his genies. He gave them instruction to build a thousand temples. The speed of temple construction was so quickly. At the same time, Jonggrang heard from her assistant that the temple construction was almost finished. She was so anxious. The, she had another great idea. She called every servant to help her. 
"Please help me to prepare a lot of straws and mortars." Asked Jonggrang. "Burn the straws and make some noise from the mortars."
All of her servants did what she asked. The sound of mortars and the burning straw fooled the genies. They thought the sun was going to rise.
"It's dawn, we have to go." said one of the genies to Bondowoso. They was afraid os the sun. So, they stopped their work and left Bondowoso. They didn't know that Joggrang tricked them with the burning straws and pounding mortars.
Bondowoso could not stop the genies from leaving him. He was mad. He knew that Jonggrang had tricked him. 
"You can't trick me, Jonggrang. I have already made 999 temples. I just need to construct one more temple!" 
He pointed his finger to her and said some chant. Then, Jonggrang's body turned into temple. Until now the temples are still standing in Prambanan, Central Java. One of the temples is called Roro Jonggrang temple.
Terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia

Roro Jonggrang

Pada zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Prambanan. Semua orang di Prambanan hidup dengan tenag dan damai. Sampai kerajaan Pengging menyerang kerajaan ini. Kemudian, raja pengging menguasai prambanan. Namanya adalah Bandung Bondowoso. Dia adalah raya yang tamak dan jahat. Dia juga memiliki kekuatan ajaib. Dia memiliki tentara manusia dan jin.
Raja dari Prambanana memiliki seorang anak perempuan bernama Roro Jonggrang. Dia sangat cantik. Sayangnya, Bandung Bondowoso jatuh cinta dengan kecantikannya. Dia sangat ingin menikahi Jonggrang.
"Kamu sangat menarik, apakah kamu ingin menikah dengan saya?" Tanya Bandung Bondowoso.
Jonggrang kaget dan terkejut dengan permintaan dia. Dia tidak ingin menikahi seorang pria seperti Bondowoso. Dia ingin berkata tidak, tapi dia takut Bondowoso akan marah. Dia juga takut Bondowoso akan membahayakan orang di Prambanan. Lalu dia punya sebuah rencana.
"Jika kamu beanr-benar ingin menikahi saya, Saya beri kamu satumalam untuk membangun 1000 candi." Kata Jonggrang.
"Ini percuma! Saya tidak dapat membangun itu dalam satu malam!" kata Bondowoso. Tapi, dia tidak menyerah. Dia datang ke penasehatnya.
"Oh, rajaku, kamu dapat meminta jin kamu to membantu kamu untuk permintaannya" Kata penasehatnya.
Lalu, Bondowoso memanggil semua jinnya. Dia memberikan instruksi untuk membangun seribu candi. Proses pembangunan candi sangat cepat. Di waktu yang sama, Jonggrang meengetahui dari pelayannya kalau pembagunan cand hampir selesai. Dia angat cemas. Lalu, dia punya ide bagus lain. Dia memanggil semua pelayannya untuk mebantu dia.
"Tolong bantu saya untuk menyiapkan banyak jerami dan tumbukan." pinta Jonggrang. "Bakar jeraminya dan buat suara dari tumbukan."
Semua pelayan melakukan seperti yang dia minta. Suara tumbukan dan bakaran jerami menipu para jin. Mereka mengira matahari akan terbit.
Ini subuh, kami harus pergi." kata salah satu jin ke Bondowoso. Mereka takut dengan matahari. Jadi, mereka berhenti berkerja dan meninggalkan Bondowoso. Mereka tidak tahu kalau Jonggrang menipu mereka dengan bakaran jerami dan ketokan tumbukan.
Bondowoso tidak dapat menghentikan jin untuk meninggalkannya. Dia marah. Dia tahu kalau Jonggrang menipu dia. 
"Kamu tidak dapat menipu saya. Saya sudah membuat 999 candi. Saya hanya perlu membangun satu candi lagi!"
Dia menunjuk jarinya ke arah Jinggrang dan mengatakan mantra. Kemudian tubuh Jonggrang berubah menjadi Candi. Sampai sekarang, candi-candi ini masih berdidri di Prambanan, Jawa Tengah. Salah satu candinya disebut candi Roro Jonggrang
Demikian contoh cerita rakyat dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya atau artinya. Ingatlah betapa pentingnya untuk mengetahui cerita rakyat indonesia. Tidak hanya untuk melestarikan budaya kita. Tapi juga untuk menambah kemampuan bahasa inggris kita
Cerita Bahasa Inggris tentang Malin Kundang, Selamat Membaca...

Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra, lives a poor family. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, Malin kundang's father decided to go to the country side.

Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.

Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.

Kehidupan Malin Kundang Sebagai Pelaut

During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.

Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.

Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.

Kembalinya Malin 

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Malin kundangs wife want to know his husbands hometowns. In the other side, poor Malin kundang mothers was worried about his son, and goes to the beach everyday, hope that her son will be back from the journey. She saw a very beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who always checks every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger, surprised to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang.

Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".

Kutukan Ibu Malin

Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him became a stone." Malin's mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only son, which she always loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that.

Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.

In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
- See more at: http://www.englishindo.com/2011/10/malin-kundang.html#sthash.ZTkuZCKh.dpuf
Cerita Bahasa Inggris tentang Malin Kundang, Selamat Membaca...

Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra, lives a poor family. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, Malin kundang's father decided to go to the country side.

Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.

Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.

Kehidupan Malin Kundang Sebagai Pelaut

During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.

Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.

Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.

Kembalinya Malin 

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Malin kundangs wife want to know his husbands hometowns. In the other side, poor Malin kundang mothers was worried about his son, and goes to the beach everyday, hope that her son will be back from the journey. She saw a very beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who always checks every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger, surprised to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang.

Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".

Kutukan Ibu Malin

Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him became a stone." Malin's mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only son, which she always loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that.

Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.

In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
- See more at: http://www.englishindo.com/2011/10/malin-kundang.html#sthash.ZTkuZCKh.dpuf
Cerita Bahasa Inggris tentang Malin Kundang, Selamat Membaca...

Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra, lives a poor family. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, Malin kundang's father decided to go to the country side.

Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.

Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.

Kehidupan Malin Kundang Sebagai Pelaut

During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.

Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.

Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.

Kembalinya Malin 

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Malin kundangs wife want to know his husbands hometowns. In the other side, poor Malin kundang mothers was worried about his son, and goes to the beach everyday, hope that her son will be back from the journey. She saw a very beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who always checks every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger, surprised to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang.

Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".

Kutukan Ibu Malin

Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him became a stone." Malin's mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only son, which she always loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that.

Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.

In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
- See more at: http://www.englishindo.com/2011/10/malin-kundang.html#sthash.ZTkuZCKh.dpuf
Cerita Bahasa Inggris tentang Malin Kundang, Selamat Membaca...

Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra, lives a poor family. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, Malin kundang's father decided to go to the country side.

Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.

Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.

Kehidupan Malin Kundang Sebagai Pelaut

During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.

Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.

Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.

Kembalinya Malin 

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Malin kundangs wife want to know his husbands hometowns. In the other side, poor Malin kundang mothers was worried about his son, and goes to the beach everyday, hope that her son will be back from the journey. She saw a very beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who always checks every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger, surprised to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang.

Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".

Kutukan Ibu Malin

Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him became a stone." Malin's mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only son, which she always loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that.

Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.

In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
- See more at: http://www.englishindo.com/2011/10/malin-kundang.html#sthash.ZTkuZCKh.dpuf
Cerita Bahasa Inggris tentang Malin Kundang, Selamat Membaca...

Once upon a time, in the coastal area of Sumatra, lives a poor family. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, Malin kundang's father decided to go to the country side.

Malin kundang and his mother hope that he could bring some money and support their daily needs. Time after time, they wait for him, but he did not come. They even believed that he is already dead.

Feeling sad, Malin kundang thought that he could make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown; he has become a very rich. Finally Malin kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.

Kehidupan Malin Kundang Sebagai Pelaut

During his stay on the ship, Malin kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.

Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly Malin kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.

Malin Kundang floats amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang told the ntives about the incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.

Kembalinya Malin 

After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Malin kundangs wife want to know his husbands hometowns. In the other side, poor Malin kundang mothers was worried about his son, and goes to the beach everyday, hope that her son will be back from the journey. She saw a very beautiful ship landed on the town harbour. Malin's mother who always checks every ship that arrived, hoping there is his son among the passenger, surprised to see a man. She founds out that he is her son Malin kundang.

Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. Once close enough, his mother saw the birthmarks on Malin kundangs arm. She is now convinced that Malin is her son. Missed so much, she hug his son and asked "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news to me?". Arrogantly, Malin immediately released her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Old women, I do not know who you are" said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?" Malin's wife asks him. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property".

Kutukan Ibu Malin

Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin kundang is very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I curse him became a stone." Malin's mother goes away with sad feelings. Knowing that his only son, which she always loves and missed all days, come and treat her like that.

Malin kundang and his crew departed shortly after visiting the hometown.Soon after departed, the calm, nice weather suddenly changed. The winds roared fierce and storms come to destroy the ship Kundang. Malin himself knows that it might be the curse from his own mother. That makes Malin prays, to beg a mercy from the God. The ship are destroyed and dumped into the beach. Malin's body and the shipwrecks scattered. After that Malin' body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock. Malin's mothers feel sorry about her son's fate. But it was too late.

In moslem tradition, it is believed that prays from the parents are easily granted by God, either bad or goods. This story told people to be humbles and do not forget his family after being successful, the story also told the parents that they must not easily pray a bad things to their children, and guide their children with care and lots of patients
- See more at: http://www.englishindo.com/2011/10/malin-kundang.html#sthash.ZTkuZCKh.dpuf

Danau Toba Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Danau Toba yang dikenal akan legenda danau toba dalam bahasa inggris ini adalah sebuah danau vulkanik dengan ukuran panjang 100 kilometer dan lebar 30 kilometer yang terletak di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Danau ini merupakan danau terbesar di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara. Di tengah danau ini terdapat sebuah pulau vulkanik bernama Pulau Samosir. Danau Toba menjadi salah satu objek wisata bagi turis asing yang dating ke Indonesia. Namun ternyata Danau Toba dan Pulau Samosir tersebut memiliki. Berikut legenda Danau Toba dalam bahasa inggris.
Legenda Danau Toba Versi Bahasa Inggris
Once upon a time there was a prosperous village in a far away island called Sumatra. In northern part of the island, lived a farmer whose name was Toba. He lived alone in a hut by a small forest. He worked on his farmland to grow rice and vegetables that he sells to local market. Once day he wanted to catch some fish so he went to a river and fished there. He was very surprised when he got a big fish. The fish was as big as human being. Soon he went home and put the fish in his kitchen. He planned to cook the fish for his dinner that night. When he got to his house that afternoon he took a bath. Then as he walked into his bedroom after taking a bath Toba was very shocked. Do you want to know what happened?
There stood in his living room a very beautiful girl. The girl greeted him nicely. For a moment Toba was speechless. When he could control his emotion he asked her.
‘Who are you? What’s your name? Why suddenly you are here in my house?’
‘Pardon me if I surprised you Mr. Toba, but you took me here. I was the fish that you caught in the river. Now that I become a human being again, I would like to thank you and I will be your servant to express my thankfulness’
‘Were you the fish?’
‘Yes, I was the fish. Look at your kitchen’.
Toba immediately rushed to his kitchen and the fish was nowhere to be seen. He saw some gold coins instead.
‘Whose coins are these? Why there are some coins here?’
‘Those coins are mine. As I changed into human being my scales changed into gold coins’
‘Ok you can live here and work for me. Your room is over there’
‘Thank you very much Mr. Toba’
Since that day the beautiful girl lived in Toba’s house. Since she was very beautiful Toba fell in love with her and not long after that they got married. The girl married to Toba on one condition that he would never tell anybody about her past. Toba agreed to the condition. Several months later Toba’s wife delivered to a baby boy. Their son was healthy. Soon he grew up into a handsome boy. Toba named him Samosir. Unfortunately Samosir was a lazy boy. He did not want to work at all. When his father worked hard in his rice field and farm, Samosir just slept. When he was awake he talked a lot and he ate a lot. Toba was very disappointed with his son’s nature. He hoped that one day Samosir would change into a diligent boy. Day in and day out but Samosir never changed.
Toba used to go to his farm and rice field early in the morning. Then at midday his wife would bring him food. They used to eat lunch at their farm. As he was a teenager Toba and his wife tried to change his behavior. They ordered Samosir to bring food for his father for lunch while her mother stayed at home to do household chores. But Samosir never did his duty well. He always woke up very late. He woke up after midday. Then one day his mother forced him to bring the food.
‘Sam, wake up. Go to the farm and bring the food for your father. He must be very tired and hungry now’.
But Mom, I am tired and hungry too’
‘What makes you tired? You just wake up. Go now. You father needs the food’
Toba reluctantly went to the farm. But he did not go to the farm immediately. He stopped somewhere in the street and ate the food. It was already late afternoon when he got to the farm. His father was disappointed. Then he was angry as he realized that his son had eaten his food. He said sarcastically.
‘O, you are stupid lazy boy. You are son of a fish!’
Samosir was hurt. He went home right away and as he got home he told his mother about his father’s words. Samosir’s mother was shocked. She was also deeply hurt.
‘O Toba. You break your promise so I cannot live with you here anymore. Now you have to accept to consequence of what you did. Samosir, now go to the hill, find the tallest tree and climb it’
‘Why mom? What will happen?’
‘Just do it, never ask any question. Good bye’
As soon as she finished saying that suddenly the weather changed. Sunny day suddenly turned into cloudy day. Not long after that the rain poured heavily. The rain last for several days. Consequently the area was flooded. The whole area became a big lake. Then it was called Lake Toba and in the middle of the lake there is an island called Samosir Island. Meanwhile Toba’s wife disappeared.
Legenda Danau Toba dalam bahasa inggris tersebut mengisahkan mitos yang mungkin pada jaman sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi. Namun kita bisa memetik hikmah dari legenda Danau Toba Dalam bahasa inggris tersebut. Hikmah yang dapat kita ambil ialah berhati-hati lah dengan apa yang kita ucapkan. Jangan sampai menyakiti perasaan orang lain. Karena lidah bisa lebih tajam dari pisau, sepatah dua patah kata dapat meninggalkan luka yang membekas di hati lawan  bicara kita. Yang kedua ialah jangan mengingkari janji yang telah dibuat. Legenda Danau Toba Dalam bahasa inggris ini memang penuh makna dan hikmah.