Cerita rakyat Indonesia timun mas merupakan dongeng yang sudah populer. Selama ini kita mendengarkan cerita timun mas bahasa indonesia. Kebanyakan dari kita tidak pernah membaca dalam bahasa inggris. Padahal dongeng timun mas dalam bahasa inggris dapat membantu kalian. Dengan membaca cerita dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan skill. Terlebih lagi dongeng atau cerita rakyat adalah media pembelajaran yang menarik.
Dongeng rakyat atau cerita timun mas dalam bahasa inggris berasal dari daerah jawa tengah. Dengan membaca cerita timun mas kita juga dapat melestarikan budaya indonesia. Banyak anak negeri yang sudah mulai melupakan tentang sejarah. Meskipun cerita ini hanyalah mitos atau legenda saja. Namun, dongeng ini tetap salah satu budaya kita. Oleh karena itu, para guru penting rasanya untuk memberikan contoh cerita rakyat ini pada siswa. Bagi kamu yang sedang membutuhkan cerita bahasa inggris. Berikut ini cerita timun mas dalam bahasa inggris.
Timun Emas
In ancient times somewhere in the island of Java, Indonesia. There was a couple of farmer lived in the village. They had married for many years. Unfortunately, they had no children. So, they asked a monster called Buto Ijo to help them. They asked Ijo to give them a child. Buto Ijo was a powerful and bad monster. He liked eating human meat. He accepted their wish but in one condition. When their child gad grown up, they had to sacrifice him or her to Ijo. The farmers agreed to Ijo's condition.
Several years later, The wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Mas. Timun Mas had grown to be very smart and diligent girl. Someday, she met Buto Ijo in her house. She was so afraid and frightened. Luckily, the farmers told Ijo to be patient because she was still a child. They begged Ijo to hold his hunger. Ijo agreed with them. After some years, Ijo came again to their house. But the farmers said that Timun was still a child as an excuse. Buto ijo was still patient.
The third time Buto came, The farmers had prepared somethings to help Timun. They gave her several bamboo needles, cucumber seeds, dressing, and salt.

Cerita Timun Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Timun was so scared with Ijo. She tried to run away as quick as she could. Then Ijo came to their house. He was angry when he found Timun was not there. So he ran and tried to find her. He had a sharp nose so he knew the direction where Timun had gone.
Ijo could easily catch Timun. When Timun knew Ijo was just several steps behind her. She spread the cucumber seeds. Magically, it turned into many vines of cucumber. Ijo was so thirsty and exhausted. So, he ate many cucumbers. He forgot to catch Timun.
Soon, he realized that Timun had run away. So he started running again. When he just several steps behind. Timun threw bamboo needles. Immediately, it turned into bamboo forest. It made Buto Ijo slow. Ijo couldn't pass bamboo tree easily. It took some times to pass it. So, Timun could run farther.
Buto was success to pass the bamboo forest. So, he chased Timun again. He could almost catch Timun. But, Timun took one of her weapons. This time, she threw the dressing. It changed into a lake. Buto was struggles when he walked through the lake. So, Timun could run away. Unfortunately, Buto could escaped. He found himself hard to chase Timun. But, he could almost catch her.
When Buto wanted to grab her. Timun threw salt into him. Soon, the salt changed into ocean. Buto was drowned and died in the ocean.
Timun Mas came back to her house. She and her parents lived happily ever after.

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